
Last updated: August 25th, 2019


Unable to install Anaconda

Unable to install tvb library using pip

Follow the installation guide to make sure your pip installed correctly.

Run iPython Notebook

ImportError: No module named <module_name>

You need to install the package on your computer.

For example, if you get the following error:

ImportError: No module named pandas

You should install pandas by running the following commend.

conda install pandas

No such file or directory

Make sure the directory follows the structure.

ReaderException: File 'tract_lengths' not found in ZIP

TVB expecting to read a tract_lengths.txt file when loading connectivity.

Under the zip file (e.g. CON01T1_TVB), create a file named tract_length.txt and compress the zip file to replace the original one.

My Notebook has been running for a long time

The simulation is compute-intensive. You can adjust the parameter range and incremental step for G by limiting the min/max of the G value and using bigger steps for the optimization, to reduce the simulation time.

If you have a troubleshooting issue that is not listed here, obtain free support for TVB through the TVB Users Group.

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